From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Vial and Vile

Insulin Vial   (Photo by Mr Hyde at Czech)
Taking advantage of people’s survival needs is simply vile.

Whereas a vial of insulin costs approximately $30 in Canada, diabetics within the United States are paying “ten times” that amount.

Why is that?  According to Bernie Sanders, American pharmaceutical companies are virtually bribing politicians with campaign contributions.  Congress has therefore been allowing such corporations to charge prices that are way more than those of other nations.

Sanders has some solutions:  Appointing an Attorney General to break up these monopolies, initiating a “cap on prescription drug spending,” and having the Food and Drug Administration “negotiate costs with pharmaceutical companies.”


Copyright July 31, 2019 by Linda Van Slyke   All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Examine the log in your own eye first

(Photo by Greenpeace Finland)
We get that it’s very tough to be a police officer.  Sometimes that makes you a target of gross disrespect.

But not always.  There are plenty of us left who honor the work that police officers do.  So when things appear to go horribly wrong, it’s not always the public's fault.

When an Indianapolis officer opened the fridge at the Sheriff’s Department, he discovered “several small bites on his
McChicken sandwich.”  Assuming the worst, he believed that a McDonald’s employee had purposely violated his food.

A police investigation later revealed that the officer himself had bitten into his sandwich.  He had simply forgotten this within the course of a long ensuing shift.  To his credit, the officer then “formally apologized to the McDonald’s branch.”


Copyright July 30, 2019 by Linda Van Slyke   All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 29, 2019

A snake in the what?

Young Garter Snake   (Photo by Fish Cop)
Sometimes snakes are just not satisfied with grass.  Let’s face it - the front lawn does not offer as many amenities as a hotel bed.

So when a Hampton Inn resident “felt something moving on her arm one morning,” she figured it was her husband.  Just one problem:  Said husband was back at home, miles away from the scene.

Her snuggly bed companion turned out to be a garden snake.  Although relatively harmless, it was not hotel vetted.  The guest wound up calling the front desk, who in turn called pest control.

One woman’s pest is another gardener’s blessing.  Might it have been wiser to escort this snake back to a fertile patch of land?


Copyright July 29, 2019 by Linda Van Slyke   All Rights Reserved