From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Chocolate's bittersweet prognosis

Divine Cacao   (Public Domain)
Let’s face it:  Theobroma cacao (“food of the gods”) may soon be running in short supply.

Is it that the Mayan deities wish to keep it all for themselves?  Or is there an all-too-human reason for its possible disappearance?

Today’s cacao mainly grows in West Africa.  Global warming could mean that the current rainforest habitat will no longer sustain such crops.  “Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have [therefore] predicted that cacao plants are likely to go extinct as early as 2050…”

A world without chocolate?  Unthinkable!  Mars to the rescue: not the planet, but the corporation.  This candy-dandy company has teamed up with the University of California Berkeley in order “to modify the DNA of cacao plants.”

Will the gods co-opt said GMO chocolate?  Probably not.  They will allow humans to munch on these inferior creations to their hearts’ discontent.     


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