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Friday, September 27, 2024

What's in a name?

(Public Domain)

Sometimes an MMM-MMM-good name becomes MMM-MMM-NOT-so-good over time.  A rose must remain a rose no matter what, but corporations get to loom beyond where they’re planted.

So as Campbells began using their noodles to morph beyond soup, a name change was definitely in order. If you’ve ever munched on cheesy Goldfish or craved Pepperidge Farm sweets, you may now thank a Campbells executive.

Never mind that such snacks are usually not up to the nutritional value of soup.  Never mind that they usually overload the body with sugar, salt and chemicals.  It’s a brave new world when it comes to food conglomerates, and the name says it all.  Campbells is no longer just a meal, it is now a company with a capital C.




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