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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Flying High with Hydrogen

(Fair Use)
Yesterday’s science fiction is fast becoming today’s fact.  Who would have thought that George Jetson’s aerocar might soon be ours?

For those still wrestling with e-mails, the thought of eVTOLs is mind-boggling.  An eVTOL is “an electric vertical takeoff and landing craft,” a recent version of which “flew over 500 miles… powered by hydrogen fuel cells and electric technology.”  Such travel can occur “with no emissions except water.”

While soaring past highway routes and traffic, you can get from place to place in record time.  Forget about airport hassles, this aerobic buggy can fly high from numerous locations.

Although the element hydrogen is widespread here on earth, isolating and storing it can be a daunting task.  Joby Aviation seems up for the challenge.  It aims to begin air-taxi “commercial operations in the U.S. in 2025.” 


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