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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Body parts, factory style

(Photo by LHOON)
If your nose runs and your feet smell, it might be because you've ordered the wrong body parts from the "factory."

Although this sounds like a joke, it might actually portend future choices.  The London AP reports that UK scientists are already hard at work "growing noses, ears and blood
vessels in the laboratory in a bold attempt to make body parts using stem cells."

For those who are feeling somewhat uncomfortable with this notion, rest assured.  According to lead scientist Alexander Seifalian:  It's like making a cake.  We just use a different kind of oven.    

Okay (?), so how does one go about "baking" a human spare part?  First off, the part must be matched to the rest of the (live) body it's intended for.  If we're talking noses, then it must also somewhat resemble a God-grown proboscis.

This is accomplished by adding a dash of sugar and salt to a polymer nose-shaped mold.  The "seasoning"
helps to provide a "sponge-like texture" to the mix.  Stem cells that were grown from the recipient's own fat are then used to pad the outer layer.  This up-and-coming nose is then implanted into the patient's arm so that skin can "grow to cover it."

There now – that was easy.  And who "nose" what's next?


Copyright April 9, 2014 by Linda Van Slyke   All Rights Reserved

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