From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Monday, August 19, 2024

Luka and Loki

(Public Domain)
The Encyclopedia Britannica describes the Norse god Loki as “a cunning trickster” who helped “the great gods Odin and Thor… with his clever plans,” but sometimes caused “embarrassment and difficulty for them and himself.”

Upon reading this description, NBA fans might be asking themselves, “Why does this sound so familiar?”  Could it be that Luka Doncic, “god” of the Dallas Mavericks, has more in common with the classical version of Loki than most mere mortals?

As the ultimate player, Luka has tricked many an opponent with his wily passes and miraculous buckets.  And yet…  Doncic’s dramatic antics have sometimes caused “embarrassment and difficulty” for teammates and himself.  

Despite and/or because of their mischievous natures, these beloved “bad boys” will live long and prosper, to quote yet another superstar.



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