From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

DJ Priest

Mini-Moog Synthesizer
(Photo by Krash)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was electrifying.  It was therefore just a matter of time before the Word went electro.

Also called electro-funk, this fusion of drum machines, electronic sounds and synthesized vocals has enjoyed surges of popularity since the early 1980s.  So why not let Gospel truth ride those supercharged waves into the minds and hearts of dancing fans?

At least that’s what a Portugese priest named Don Guilherme Peixoto concluded.  After attending DJ school, Father Guilherme began his electro mission.  Mixing “bits of techno with excerpts of homilies by Pope Francis and the late John Paul II,” he got right down to it.  Soon there were throngs of frolicking folks listening to his every exhortation.

After landing a selfie with Father Guilherme, one young follower exclaimed, “This priest is really cool!”  





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