From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Two-Ton Vasuki

Statue of Shiva
(Photo by Thejas Panarkandy)
Whereas pint-sized snakes can be scary, two-ton snakes can be monstrous.  But can snakes ever really grow that large? A thoroughly investigated fossil indicates that they can.

Named Vasuki indicus after the “mythical snake king Vasuki, who wraps around the neck of the Hindu deity Shiva,” this ancient serpent slithered through India’s swamps approximately 47 million years ago.  At an estimated 50 feet long, it may have wrapped itself around Shiva’s stalwart neck several times over.

Such a snake may have come in particularly handy when Shiva, sometimes known as “The Destroyer,” was battling demons.  One look at this ophidian necklace could be enough to send Andhaka himself fleeing.


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