From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Nature Must Have Its Say

Calling all mates!
(Photo by Robert Evans Snodgrass)
If you’re awakened by the whining roar of a jet plane but you’re nowhere near an airport, think again.  It might just be the sound of cicadas on the prowl.

After lolling underground for the past umpteen years, these buggers are seeking a mate.  What better way to do so than to sing a raucous song?  After all, that’s how rock and roll got its groupies.

When trillions of cicadas emerge all at once, their chorus can be maddening.  At least that’s what some South Carolinians thought as they rang up the local sheriff.  Yet natural law often supersedes human law.  For better or for worse, Mother Nature has plenty to say.


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