From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): Beyond 'Boo!'

(Hammersmith Ghost)

As Forrest Wickman recently pointed out, “everyone knows that ghosts say ‘boo’…”  He then asked why they say that (something about “a word that’s used in the north of Scotland to frighten crying children”) -
and for how long (since at least the 1820s).

However, those in the know say that ghosts have been around long before then, and that their verbal repertoire is far greater than just “Boo!”  So how do those in the know really know?  Secret’s in the electrons…

The Ouija board has mostly gone the way of “Boo!” (and of “Boo-hoo” too, for that matter).  It has been superseded by such amazing inventions as telephones, radios, tape recorders, Spiricoms (invented in 1982, and allegedly enabling two-way conversations between the living
and the dead), Ghost Boxes (created in 2002 “for supposed real-time communication with the dead”), and digital voice recorders.  

If not “Boo,” then what type of ghostly communications do these inventions facilitiate? reports on such alleged messages from the dead as these:  Help meGrandma.   Who goes there?  Don’t come.  We love youMommy.  Get out.   Other communications seems to be in direct response to questions asked by the investigators.  For example, an investigator asks, “Is anybody here?”
and a man’s voice answers, “No we’re not.”  (An example of ghastly humor?)

Not everybody is as convinced as some of these investigators that ghosts even exist, let alone banter. Assuming that these ghostly-sounding “voices” are not the outcome of deliberate hoaxes, then what else
could they possibly be?  Wikipedia suggests that they might instead be random background noise which is
picked up by sensitive communication devices - and is then psychologically misinterpreted by listeners to be
messages from the dead.  Skeptics have also claimed that these “messages” are perhaps resulting from the
electrical noise of the devices themselves, which is then filtered to resemble speech.  Some attribute the “voices” to radio-signal interference, and the "background noise" to meteor showers.


Copyright October 31, 2011 by Linda Van Slyke   All Rights Reserved

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