Although Icke had never had a particularly smooth life, things had come a long way since the loner days when he would cross the street rather than speak with anyone. Football had helped to bridge the gap between him and others, and when arthritis prevented him from being a professional player, he became a journalist instead.
Because of his arthritis, he began experimenting with alternative healing. This led to an involvement with the ecological movement, and he soon became the top speaker for the Green Party. Wikipedia reports that he was called “the Greens’ Tony Blair” - and that he “became a household name, appearing on talk shows and in debates.”
What the public didn’t yet know is that Icke was meanwhile experiencing an unseen presence around him, as well as a great deal of personal despair. He was then mysteriously drawn to a book by Betty Shine, a psychic healer. When he subsequently contacted her about his arthritis, she told him “he was a healer who had been sent to heal the Earth.” In February 1991, Icke visited a pre-Inca burial site in Peru. While there, he had a kundalini experience which reportedly triggered a higher level of consciousness.
In March 1991, Icke resigned from the Green Party. He then made a series of announcements that led to the 1991 April Fools’ Day confusion. One of these was that the world would end in 1997.
It didn’t. Or did it?
On April Fools’ Day, anything is possible…
Copyright April 1, 2011 by Linda Van Slyke All Rights Reserved
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