From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Friday, July 19, 2024

Thou Shalt Not Murder in Space

Sherlock Holmes
(Illustrated by Sidney Paget)
Since God’s entire creation seems to extend far beyond our third rock from the sun, His commandments likely apply anywhere and everywhere.

Murder would therefore be as heinous within outer space as it is here on earth.  Terra firma parents tend to warn their wayfaring kids, “Wherever you go, there you are.”  The best and worst of human behaviors will inevitably follow astronauts, too.

With that in mind, forensic scientists have already begun researching the effects of zero gravity upon the splattering of blood.  By shooting “fake blood droplets” from a “hydraulic syringe” within microgravity conditions, they found that the liquid’s surface tension makes for less splattering once the opposing force of gravity is weakened.

Gone are the days of Wild West romanticism.  Today’s explorations emphasize the fine art of getting along well enough to survive and thrive.  Kill someone on day 374 of your tight-knit journey to Mars, and the Sherlocks back on Earth will have it all figured out.  Your return passport might then be marked "Null and Void." 


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