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Friday, February 2, 2024

Duel or Duet?

Hamilton and Burr
(Painting by J. Mund)
Ah, for the good old days of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton!  So what if one wound up dead and the other was wanted for murder?

Not to worry, Burr was able to soon pick up where he left off as Vice President of the United States.  His New Jersey indictment was removed on the technicality that Hamilton actually died in New York.

Sounds about as logical as what’s been happening lately.  Senator Nick Schroer of Missouri flippantly proposed that dueling be reinstated as a way of settling political disputes.  His explanation: “I mean, if we’re going back in time and acting like an uncivilized society…”  In other words, if the shoe pinches, blow it to smithereens…

Some of us still hold out hope for a peaceful solution, one that sounds more like a duet than a duel.  It might not be in perfect harmony, but discordant debate sounds a lot better than raucous violence.


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