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Although Elvis' kingdom was very much of this world, he was also an ongoing seeker of those Kingdoms that aren't.
He understood that there are many mansions in his Father's house besides Graceland, and avidly pursued knowledge of them through books, mentors, spiritual practices, gospel music and fellowship.
One of his closest mentors, long-time friend and hairdresser Larry Geller, has written a number of books about Elvis' spirituality and beliefs. Geller's 2007 book, Leaves of Elvis' Garden, contains the following quote from Elvis: "If even one person can be led to God because of me, it will be worth it."
In a 2003 interview, Geller reveals how his spiritual bonding with Elvis began. At their very first meeting, Elvis was completely silent during the 45 minutes that it took for Geller to finish styling Elvis' hair. When Larry asked Elvis what he thought of the style, Elvis launched into a series of personal questions about what Larry "was really all about." They spent the next three hours intensely discussing topics such as meditation, yoga, spiritual books, vegetarianism, life before birth, life after death, soul theory, and Elvis' early church life. When Geller asked if the conversation should continue, Elvis replied, "Larry, you have no idea how I need to hear what you have to say. Please keep on talking."
In the book Elvis by the Presleys, Elvis' passion for all things spiritual was verified by both Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley. Priscilla recalled Elvis wearing a cross, as well as a Star of David. Someone asked Elvis, "Why both?" He answered, "To make you think." Lisa Marie reported going through Elvis' collection of spiritual books and finding his handwritten notes all over the page margins.
Elvis' first cousin, Patsy Presley Geranen, explained, "Elvis was raised a Christian. His early days in the church with his mom and dad were always part of his faith. Being an intelligent and curious individual, Elvis explored other beliefs. He had a thirst to know. And he had a gift for understanding different ways of looking at God."
Patsy also reported that Elvis believed God was responsible for his talent. She therefore felt that "Elvis was looking for ways to pay back the world for all that had been given him." Elvis was convinced that his ultimate purpose went way beyond the world of entertainment.
His early church and gospel roots were never forgotten. While very young, Elvis attended an Assembly of God Pentecostal church. The Pentecostals accepted music as a means of experiencing the Holy Spirit. This spiritual link to music became part of Elvis' legacy. In fact, the only Grammy awards that he ever won were for Best Sacred Performance ("How Great Thou Art") and for Best Inspirational Performances ("He Touched Me" - and again for "How Great Thou Art"). Elvis often relaxed by listening to gospel music. He said, "It more or less puts your mind at ease. It does mine."