From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Monday, October 31, 2022

Blood Moon on the Horizon

Prophet Joel
Painting by James Tissot
According to the Book of Joel, a bloody-looking moon is no joke.  The prophet warned that "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."  When the sixth seal is opened in Revelation 6:12, the following occurs: "...there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."

The October moon (even when ghostly white) has long been called the "Blood Moon" because its eerie light would point so-called "Wild Hunters" straight to their prey.  These were not your average dudes.  They were lost souls, hounds from hell, shining wolves, trolls, demons, and anything else that centuries of embellishment could add.  A motley crew, for sure.

This "Wild Hunt" is so far embedded in the human psyche that it has appeared in classical music, country music, opera, poetry, fiction and folklore.  Across space and time - from the Norse god Odin to the Germanic god Woden - from King Arthur's England to Ghost Riders' America - it has jabbed the minds and hearts of countless individuals.

So next time the heavens rumble, take heed!  It might just be some thunder - but then again, it might not.


Sunday, October 30, 2022

Nasrudin: The Sufi Seinfeld

Nasreddin Hodja in Ankara
Photo by Nevit Dilmen
Nasrudin is to the Sufis what Seinfeld is to the Jews.  Both serve as reflections - not only of cultural idiosyncrasies, but also of the complex human condition.

Mulla (aka Mollah, Mullah, Molla, Hoca, Hodja...) Nasrudin (aka Nasreddin, Nasreddine, Nasrettin, Nasr Ed Dine...) is said to have originated with an actual person who lived somewhere (Afghanistan? Iran? Turkey?) around the 1300s (perhaps the 1200s).

Nasrudin's many names and stories pop up routinely in today's Near East, Middle East, and Central Asia.  Because Idries Shah popularized Nasrudin and the Sufis all in the same book, Nasrudin is now widely associated with the Sufi tradition.

There are some (in every crowd) who directly equate piousness with solemnity.  These are the same folks who might condemn dancing with God in public (see King David).  Others, however, cherish the smiling Buddha and the laughing Jesus.  These are the folks who might love this quintessential Nasrudin story:

Judge Nasrudin was listening to a case.  After hearing the plaintiff present his side, Nasrudin remarked, "You are right."

Then the defendant presented his side, and Nasrudin remarked, "Yes, you are right."

Nasrudin's wife had been listening to the case, and incredulously remarked, "Nasrudin, that doesn't make any sense - how could you say that the plaintiff is right, and then also say that the defendant is right?"

Nasrudin responded, "You know what - you are right, too!"

It is said that the power of the Wise Fool is that s/he disarms the intellect (often with its own devices) in order to zap us into the essence of each moment.  That is why - when intellect asks, "How do I get to the other side?" - Nasrudin replies (with one story or another), "You're already there."


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Reformation Day: Does the Reformation need reforming?

Wittenberg Castle Church 
On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther put forth his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" (otherwise known as "The 95 Theses").  This was done in protest to the Roman Catholic Church's push to raise money for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica via the sale of indulgences to the poor.

Johann Tetzel had been sent by the Pope to persuade indigent Germans to contribute to this cause.  His "sales technique" was to assure participants, "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory into heaven springs."  As catchy a jingle as this may be, it was horrifically false.

Luther's greatest objection to this was theological, but he was also a practical man.  He openly questioned why the Pope needed poor people's money for this endeavor when the Pope himself had more than enough of his own money to give.  This declaration was as brave as it was radical.

Another brave and radical theologian is now insisting that the Reformation itself needs reforming.  That theologian is Matthew Fox.  Fox, like Luther, was a Catholic priest who became so dissatisfied with official policies and procedures that he went his separate way.  Fox then authored a book called A New Reformation which lists 95 new theses, ones which he feels are vital for the creation of a more authentic Christianity.  One of his fundamental points is this: Religion isn't necessary, but spirituality is.


Friday, October 28, 2022

American Idol: How would Abraham vote?

Painting of Abraham by Guercina 
Although Abraham is not being considered as a replacement for Ryan Seacrest, it is nevertheless informative to consider the patriarch's "track record" when it comes to judging idols.

The Bible does not offer as many lively details about this as either the Midrash (Oral Torah) or the Koran.  These latter sources more than make up for whatever might be left to a Bible reader's imagination.

As some stories go...

Abraham's father, Terach, was an idol-maker, as well as an idol-worshipper.  Nimrod, the then most powerful man in the world, was the idol Terach worshipped the most.

Abraham was motivated by power of a different sort.  It didn't take him long to figure out that worldly power is fleeting.  As a little boy, he had been mesmerized by the stars and sun, but felt abandoned each time they disappeared from view.  He therefore put his lasting faith in the One who created these wonders, rather than in the wonders themselves.

One day Terach had a camel to catch, so he asked Abraham to mind the idol-making store for a while.  When someone came in to purchase an idol, Abraham asked, "How old are you?"  The person said, "Fifty."  Abraham responded, "Isn't it pathetic that a man of fifty wants to bow down to a one-day-old idol?"  (Not an award-winning sales technique...)

Another time, Abraham grabbed a hammer and smashed all but one of these store idols to pieces.  Abraham then placed the hammer in the hand of the one remaining idol.  When Terach returned, he shouted, "Who did this?"  Abraham concocted some story about the idols quarreling over a basket of bread, then sadly explained how this very last idol had bludgeoned his comrades to bits.  "And you expect me to believe that!" Terach exclaimed.  "How could they possibly do that when they don't even have minds to think with?"  "Exactly my point," Abraham replied.  "They have no power at all - so why worship them?"

Now nobody is saying that American celebrities are mindless and powerless...  But the question still remains: Why worship them when the source of their minds and power lies elsewhere?



Thursday, October 27, 2022

Decoding Diwali: What is the sight of one eye seeing?

There are many Diwali stories that are worth celebrating, but none so great as the inner light that sustains them all.

The Hindu deity, Shiva, is said to possess a "third eye" which gives light to the world.  It sits vertically between the other two eyes, and is honored by many Hindus who place a mark (bindi) in the middle of their own foreheads.

Humans actually do possess a rudimentary "third eye" quite near that same spot.  Known as the pineal gland, it is similar to the cellular structure of the retina and had the capacity to develop into a full-fledged eye during the early stages of embryonic growth.

Yogic teachings equate the "third eye" with a major energy center called the Ajna (sixth) chakra.  This center is believed to be "the seat of the soul."  Meditation techniques that awaken it are said to enhance spiritual strength.  One of the key signs of this awakening is the ability to perceive inner light.  This type of "seeing" is not at all dependent upon the other two eyes.

The inner light, which is honored by traditions the world over, is said to be a manifestation of Spirit, consciousness, and/or quantum energy that permeates the Universe.  It is said to sustain everything and everyone.  Matthew 6:22 states, "If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be filled with light."  This is a Light that never flickers or fades. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Felix: One lucky cat

Drawing by Raoul Barre
If a black cat crosses your path, and it's Felix, then no need to worry.  Why the very name "Felix" means "lucky" in Latin.

It wasn't always that way.  Back in not-so-merry old England, starving cats stalked the major cities.  Some were fed by homeless women (suffering leads to compassion).  This, when coupled with the prevalent witch hysteria of the time, led many to believe that these women were practicing black magic.  Black cats were especially deemed guilty by association.

No one's ever accused the human race of an overabundance of logic or empathy.

Yet Felix came along and changed all that.  Some say it was magic. After all, "Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of tricks."  Others say it was his "child's sense of wonder, creating the fantastic when it's not there, and taking it in stride when it is."  Still others say it was his penchant for deep thought (while pacing with head down and hands behind his back).

In any case, Felix is certainly a one-cat wonder, and his popularity has spanned decades since he first materialized in 1919.  With movie and TV offers, a reality show can't be too far behind.  So if he comes a knocking at your door this Halloween, smile - you may be on Candid Camera! 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

UFOs: Does the U stand for urgent?

CIA Annotated Drawing
NASA recently announced the beginning of a 9-month study that aims to explore the U in UFO sightings, an undertaking which Senator Kirsten Gillibrand recently called "urgent."

Although United Airlines might beg to differ, perhaps the skies are not all that friendly.  Perhaps Stephen Hawking was correct when he warned, "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans."

As a member of the Armed Services and Intelligence committees, Gillibrand has heard many a military report of such sightings.  She feels that "oversight" and "accountability" is therefore in order.  Perhaps Hawking was way off base.  Yet if he were the least bit right, then things on Earth could go very wrong.


Monday, October 24, 2022

Twilight's moral dilemma: Can glory be gory?

Stephenie Meyer in 2009
Photo by Tara Rebeka 
Some view the Twilight series as sheer entertainment.  Others see it as a moral, even religious, allegory.  Still others see it as the devil's influence.

Those who see it as sheer entertainment feel that sometimes a movie is just a movie.  Those who see it as a moral/religious allegory analyze author Stephenie Meyer's Mormon religion and seek hints of it throughout the saga.  Those who see it as the devil's influence view focusing upon vampires as intrinsically evil.

One person uniquely suited to shed light (and/or darkness?) on this subject is Anne Rice.  Rice began life as a Catholic and later began to explore different philosophical, literary and spiritual traditions.  While doing so, she wrote quite a few well-known books - some of which feature vampires (i.e. Interview with the Vampire), as well as witches and other supernatural manifestations.

In 1998 Rice returned to the Catholic church.  In 2002 she "consecrated her writing entirely to Christ, vowing to write for Him or about Him."  However, she did not renounce her previous writings, stating, "Let me begin by saying that I see my earlier novels as part of a long tradition of 'dark fiction' which includes some of the most highly prized religious works read in Western culture."  Rice went on to reference such works as Shakespeare's MacBeth, Dante's Inferno, Dickens' Christmas Carol and Goethe's Faust

Rice then declared that her vampire novels are meant to be "transformative," explaining, "All these novels involve a strong moral compass.  Evil is never glorified in these books; on the contrary, the continuing battle against evil is the subject of the work."  She concluded, "Individual readers, and history, will determine whether or not I succeeded in my intention...."


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunny Side Down

Photo by jefras
Let’s face it: restaurants are run with humans, and humans aren’t perfect.  Sometimes the food isn’t exactly as the menu indicates.  Sometimes the wait staff isn’t right there at the snap of a finger.  Especially when the establishment is short-handed.

Enter James Corden.  He allegedly acted abusively to a server because of imperfections within his wife’s omelette.  This then became national news.  Right up there with war, inflation and climate change.

Corden had previously discovered a hair in his dish, a glitch which the manager called “diabolical.”  Right up there with venial sin.

Perhaps there are better uses of time, emotions and media.  Corden says he now feels “so Zen about the whole thing.” Right up there with Buddha.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hear Ye

2013 Yeezus Tour
Photo by Peter Hutchins 
“Hear ye, hear ye’ has often been a cry for attention.  And Ye, the artist formerly known as Kanye West, has rarely been one to avoid the spotlight.

His latest cry has sounded anti-Semitic to many an ear.  Using a military term that calls for an "increase in force readiness," Ye sounded off "on Jewish people."  On all Jewish people, allegedly because some had done him wrong.

This recently occurred during a long winded interview with Piers Morgan, who had the patience and ratings to hear Ye out.  As the talk progressed, it seemed that Ye finally felt a bit contrite.  He even somewhat apologized for “Defcon” comments that had “caused hurt and confusion… for the families of the people that had nothing to do with the trauma that I have been through.”

Compassionate listening to someone who’s feeling traumatized can certainly help to rechannel energies. Since hurt people often hurt people, hearing someone out may even help to mitigate prejudice.



Friday, October 21, 2022

Martin Luther's All Hallows' Eve


Painting by Julius Hubner

Many celebrate All Hallows' Eve with costumes and candy.  Martin Luther was not of this ilk.  Making merry was not his foremost priority.  Making waves often was.

Back in the day, making waves against the Catholic Church could spell a whole lot of trouble.  Luther was willing to risk that.  So willing that he allegedly nailed a list of 95 alternatives to the Wittenberg Church door.

Briefly put, these theses railed against buying your way out of sin.  Turns out that Luther more than nailed it.  The Protestant Reformation has been traced to this very act of soulful grit.

So if you're seeking some goodies come All Hallows' Eve, consider this: More may be found in the Spirit than in any bagful of sweets.



Thursday, October 20, 2022

Harry Houdini: Was Jonah his hero?


One Happy Humpback
Photo by Whit Welles
Harry Houdini - aka Erik Weisz, the rabbi's son - surely must have  known about the Hebrew prophet Jonah.  Could this have been why one of his feats was to escape from the belly of a whale that had washed ashore in Boston?

Escaping from watery entities was a highlight of Houdini's career.  Perhaps the most famous of all was his Chinese Water Torture Cell trick.  A challenge to even the least claustrophobic of souls, this act involved hanging upside down in a locked and filled aquatic tank.  Houdini later revealed that he was able to repeatedly escape this watery grave by holding his breath for more than three minutes while accessing concealed picks or keys, and applying just the right amount of force to locks.

Jonah called people to task for displays of false spirituality.  That's part of the "job description" of a prophet.  However, Jonah was shown by a merciful God that even (especially?) prophets can focus too much upon the sins, and not enough upon the potential miracles.

Houdini was also known to go after those who claimed to be spiritualists.  Because he himself was so good at fooling the public, Houdini was able to detect even the subtlest of scams.  He would make it his business to attend seances in disguise, along with a police officer and journalist.  Using this method, Houdini was able to expose famed so-called spiritualists such as Mina "Margery" Crandon.

Although Jonah had his rebellious moments (toward God, as well as toward people), he never fully lost his faith.  Apparently, neither did Houdini.

In spite of skepticism, Houdini had made a death pact with his wife.  If he were able to make contact with her after his demise, he would then utter coded words, the crux of which were "Rosabelle believe." Someone who had truly lost all faith would not have made such a deathbed promise.  A vital part of Houdini must have never stopped believing in miracles.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Casper: The friendliest ghost for real?

Character Art by Adrian Ropp
Many details about Casper are shrouded in mystery.  "Natch!" you say. "He's a ghost!"

But it's far shadier than that...

For example, there's a lot of controversy concerning the veracity of Casper's "ghosthood."  Many insist that death has got to be the very first step for ghosts-in-the-making.  If so, then Casper would have to have died.  This poses a huge problem for cartoon producers who like to eat.  If cute little Casper had died, then he would have to have been a dead little boy.  Dead little boys do not make for lighthearted story lines that sell a lot of ads.

For a very long time, folks were therefore insisting that Casper had never actually died.  They said that Casper had always been a ghost because his mommy and daddy were ghosts when they got married (the intricate mechanics from that point on were never really explained).

Then one day, lo and behold, the truth came out!  It turns out that Casper was a little boy, and he did die (of pneumonia) - while sledding, no less.  And he even had a last name - McFadden!

Paranormal theorists now have something engaging to work with.  It's possible that Casper was a very friendly little boy who now continues on as a very friendly little ghost.  Or it's possible that Casper was a very unfriendly little boy who now has to balance those karmic scales by being the friendliest little ghost you ever did know.

Who knows what really lurks within?

Perhaps only The Shadow does.
