From ancient byways to modern highways, glimpses of faith are everywhere...

Friday, October 11, 2024


Temple of Karni Mata Deshnoke
(Gunther Jontes)
Although many humans are not the least bit fond of rats, favorable views of such creatures range from “tasty” to “downright divine.”

When folks aren’t studying, coddling, eating or even worshipping rats, they’re bent on exterminating them.  That’s because these mammalian “cousins” can be lethal to people and other species.

So what's a body to do if Mickey and Minnie come scampering their way?  Those who dwell on the Alaskan island of St. Paul (a "Galapagos of the north") will spring right into action. Known as a bird haven, St. Paul can’t afford to have rodents gnawing their way through “eggs, chicks or even adults and upending once-vibrant ecosystems.”  

Its citizens have therefore embarked upon an intense search for a single specimen that one resident allegedly saw.  Because “it took nearly a year to catch the last known rat on St. Paul,” folks will not give up until they are convinced that the island is completely Rodentia-free.


Friday, October 4, 2024

It isn't what it isn't staff (2014)
“It is what it is” is more often a sigh of resignation than it is a sign of Buddhist equanimity.  This is unfortunately the case when it comes to women’s health care.

Women, especially African-American women, tend to wait longer than men for emergency-room services.  They are often given psychological diagnoses for physical ailments such as endometriosis, fibromyalgia and cardiovascular disease.

Medical professionals might best take a cue from Michelangelo, who famously declared: “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”  Many female patients have a bodily malfunction and it is the task of the physician to discover it. 

Coming up with quick “it’s all in your head” conclusions may seem easier than whittling away at rote responses, but can ultimately be a lot less effective for all concerned.


Friday, September 27, 2024

What's in a name?

(Public Domain)

Sometimes an MMM-MMM-good name becomes MMM-MMM-NOT-so-good over time.  A rose must remain a rose no matter what, but corporations get to loom beyond where they’re planted.

So as Campbells began using their noodles to morph beyond soup, a name change was definitely in order. If you’ve ever munched on cheesy Goldfish or craved Pepperidge Farm sweets, you may now thank a Campbells executive.

Never mind that such snacks are usually not up to the nutritional value of soup.  Never mind that they usually overload the body with sugar, salt and chemicals.  It’s a brave new world when it comes to food conglomerates, and the name says it all.  Campbells is no longer just a meal, it is now a company with a capital C.




Friday, September 20, 2024


Daric Coin
A stash of valuable gold coins had been hidden for thousands of years within the ancient equivalent of a neighborhood bank. Archaeologists recently discovered this buried treasure beneath the floor of a fifth-century BC home.

They believe it belonged to a mercenary soldier who fought and died “when tension was high” between Greeks and Persians.  This soldier had likely been paid with said coins, thus exchanging health for wealth, and life for death.

Chances are that he never got to benefit from his valiant efforts.  Chances are that he was never even buried as carefully as these coins.  Chances are that people the world over are still making bets that hearts broken by strife will go on beating indefinitely.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Flying High with Hydrogen

(Fair Use)
Yesterday’s science fiction is fast becoming today’s fact.  Who would have thought that George Jetson’s aerocar might soon be ours?

For those still wrestling with e-mails, the thought of eVTOLs is mind-boggling.  An eVTOL is “an electric vertical takeoff and landing craft,” a recent version of which “flew over 500 miles… powered by hydrogen fuel cells and electric technology.”  Such travel can occur “with no emissions except water.”

While soaring past highway routes and traffic, you can get from place to place in record time.  Forget about airport hassles, this aerobic buggy can fly high from numerous locations.

Although the element hydrogen is widespread here on earth, isolating and storing it can be a daunting task.  Joby Aviation seems up for the challenge.  It aims to begin air-taxi “commercial operations in the U.S. in 2025.” 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Can't keep a good tree down

(Photo by Hans Hillewaert)
For many, Lahaina’s famous banyan tree is a symbol of all that went awry when colonial powers dispossessed Native Hawaiians of their land, language and culture.  It was shipped from India back in 1873 to commemorate “the arrival of the first Protestant missionaries.”

Yet for others, this leafy wonder has been a nurturing force. It has provided shade and sustenance for species galore and has been a symbol of endurance for 150 years.

Now more than ever, this endurance is front and center.  After fires swept Maui in 2023, “the intense heat… dried out much of the tree,” and “about half of its branches died.” 

It was then time for good karma to come around full circle.  Folks  who had appreciated the tree’s bounty and beauty got right to work.  They lopped off the dead branches in order to help save the rest.  

As the banyan slowly makes a comeback, plans are afoot “to install vertical tubes to help the tree’s aerial roots.”  These tubes will funnel water and nutrients to newfound growth.

One good tree deserves another.  And another.  And another…  The group Treecovery is therefore working to restore the ulu (breadfruit) and other species that had thrived in Maui before colonial and commercial times.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

DJ Priest

Mini-Moog Synthesizer
(Photo by Krash)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was electrifying.  It was therefore just a matter of time before the Word went electro.

Also called electro-funk, this fusion of drum machines, electronic sounds and synthesized vocals has enjoyed surges of popularity since the early 1980s.  So why not let Gospel truth ride those supercharged waves into the minds and hearts of dancing fans?

At least that’s what a Portugese priest named Don Guilherme Peixoto concluded.  After attending DJ school, Father Guilherme began his electro mission.  Mixing “bits of techno with excerpts of homilies by Pope Francis and the late John Paul II,” he got right down to it.  Soon there were throngs of frolicking folks listening to his every exhortation.

After landing a selfie with Father Guilherme, one young follower exclaimed, “This priest is really cool!”  
